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HouseDuck Diaper Bags

If you have a HouseDuck and are going to take it places you are going to need something to carry the duck's stuff in. What stuff? Diapers and extra Diaper Holders and wipes and food and water and and bowls to serve food and water in and treats and all the stuff any mother with a baby needs to have, and have handy at all times. You will also want to add a few first aid items to your Duck Diaper Bag.

Every person using a Diaper Bag has different preferences. The most important thing to remember is you will have to carry it. So you will not want something that is too large, or two bulky, or too heavy. I made mine with a handle that buckles so I can attach it to my stroller.
Then there is the print. Everyone will want a cute Diaper Bag for their HouseDuck, maybe a Duck Print Fabric. You will probably want that bag lined with a waterproof fabric. I do have a few Diaper Bags for sale for HouseBirds, in all sorts of birdy and other prints, in our online store, click above.
The contents of this page for HouseDuck Diaper Bags is still under construction. Please check back later!
-- The Ducks In Diapers Team Wed, 29 Feb 2012 13:04:26 -0500