Alice 2012-01-12 Phebe and Alice

This page was set aside for our sweet, now outdoor pets, Alice and Phebe. However, one day when they were about 3/4 grown, (pubertyish) Alice and Phebe went out for a bath and to play with the other waterfowl. Nothing unusual. However, that day, they decided they did not want to come back inside. I called as I always did. No. So why make them unhappy? Here we are a year later and they live happily outdoors with all the other animals. Alice comes in for visits, and will stay quite a while, but in the end, she wants to be with the other animals outdoors.


Dinah in the basket 2012-02-19

Soooooooo. The Spring of 2012, actually early February, three Trufted Roman Pullets (females). One will stay in the house as a housegoose named Dinah (won't you blow your horn) Soar (as in fly) and or of course Dinosaur. This page will be about her and her adventures. I already bought a new Pet Carrier for her and have been crafting new Diaper Holders for her.

Scroll down to see photos of Dinah in the Easter Basket to record her growth. I took photos in the same basket (as in this photo) to show her growth, how very fast they grow.


Dinah arrived on February 9, 2012, one day old. Along with her I ordered two others and a few chicks that came with them, to keep the goslings warm while shipping and after.

Roman Tufted Goslings 2012-02-09 Dinah Soar Diapered Goslings 2012-02-10 Diapered Goslings Sleeping on my Lap2012-02-10 Dinah Soar 2012-10 Dinah Pink Sweater 2012-02-11 Dinah Pink Sweater2 2012-02-11 Dinah Diapered 2012-02-11 Dinah Diapered2 2012-02-11 Dinah Dressed V  2012-02-11


February 12, 2012

Dinah calling for room serive at Super 8 2012-02-13 Dinah calling for room serive2 at Super 8 2012-02-13

Dinah, and the other baby birds (all also named Dinah right now), Joy our
Cocker Spaniel, Deron and I went to Rapid City to spend two days. When Deron asked about the Pet policy at Super 8, they did not say that Goslings and Chicks were not allowed, just to keep dogs and cats on leashes. Here is Dinah calling for Room Service.

DInah Checking Out The Toys Dinah Looking In Dinah Shopping

Dinah also got to go for her first ride in the Pet Carrier, front carrier into Pet Smart. The photos above are of Dinah shopping (her eyes look funny in the photos), it is the camera~and once you leave, a person uses the photos they have. Some photos better then no photos.

Shopping for Dinah at the Salvation Army!

February 13, 2012

Shopping for Dinah, stroller and toys  2012-02-13

I love Thrift Stores, Garage Sales, Moving Sales and when people throw away good items out on their curb. I have always been like this. When I was a kid in grade school I would stop at Garage Sales while walking home from school. I can not even begin to tell you all the great things I have bought for little money. But for my animals, and trick props and crates and beds and toys, the best place to shop is used. Wash up the items, if needed and you spent little to have much. I don't think I have bought one crate new, and man, I have had many in ever size made. So when I decided that Dinah needed a stroller, of course, I was going to buy a used child's stroller for her.

Goslings Learning To Ride In Their Stroller

February 14, 2012

Goslings First Ride in Stroller 2012-02-14 Goslings First Ride in Stroller2 2012-02-14

More and more people are putting their pets in a stroller, first made for human children, now for pets, and taking them along with them all over the place. This is a safe place for them to ride and many have netting over the front so that the pet can not get out and strangers can not reach in. The strollers are a nice item for short legged pets, or pets that need to be in your arms but get heavy to ride in.

These photos are of my goslings (each still named Dinah at this point) first ride in the stroller I bought for $1 at a Thrift Store. I wanted to start getting the goslings used to riding in the stroller right away and plan to give them a little ride each day for a while, just around the house.

Dinah Learning To Wear A Hat

February 15, 2012

Dinah is learning to wear a hat and pose in it. Cute, ey?

Dinah Cowgirl 2012-02-15 Dinah Purple Bonnet 2012-02-15 Dinah Purple Bonnet 2 2012-02-15 Dinah Red Bonnet 2012-02-15

Dinah Learning to Come When Called

February 16, 2012

Dinah Learning to come When Called 1 Dinah Learning to come When Called 2

I have information on how to train your goose to come when called on our Geese Learning Tricks page here at this site. Dinah had her first lesson today and did great. That and riding around the house in her stroller.

Just Playing With Dinah

February 17, 2012

Dinah Blue Zebra 2012-02-17 Dinah Blue Zebra 2012-02-17 Dinah in Red Hearts Diaper Holder 2012-02-17 Dinah in Red Hearts Diaper Holder~2~ 2012-02-17

Where Dinah Lives

February 18, 2012

My Oh My! This day was lovely even in NW SD in mid February! I wore a T-Shirt, so I diapered the goslings and took them for a little ride around their home. They had never seen outdoors before, they were always in a closed box of one sort or another to keep warm. If you look close at the last photo you will see one of the goslings got out of the stroller and was walking toward our worries, our horses, well, our animals, are used to babies.

Going for a ride 1  2012-02-18 Going For A Ride 2   2012-02-18 Going For A Ride 3   2012-02-18

Dinah ~ The Model

Dinah's Crocheted Dress 1 Dinah's Crocheted Dress 2

February 20, 2012

This is Dinah modeling a dress that I made for the pattern so I could offer the pattern FREE on for Lawn/Live Geese. I think she makes an adorable model!

Getting Ready To Be On The Front Page!

February 21, 2012

Dinah St. Pat's Day Dinah St. Pat's Day 2 Dinah St. Pat's Day 3 St. Pat's Day 4

This is Dinah modeling for the upcoming St. Pat's Day holiday. March 1rst her photo will go on the front page of this and other websites. She was so good during this photo section, I was very pleased. Can you believe how much she has grown!?

They Are All Named Dinah

Dinah in Crocheted Dress 3 Dinah Hair with Easter Lawn Goose 2011-02-24

This morning we took a few photos of Dinah, but Dinah Mite. I have been calling all three of the goslings "Dinah". So today, I split them out. An efriend had the idea to add a different middle name to each. So, as it stands right now we have Dinah Soar, the smallest and sweetest, the little love, the one that likes to sit on my lap and talk to me; Dinah Mite, the largest and the one that loves to bite, everything, bite, bite, bite, and the middle sized Dinah Mo who also wants to be Dinah Soar but does not follow me or come when called as well as the littlest one. I am working with each of them in case anything changes.

Dinah Visits The Pet Store

February 25, 2012

Dinah went for a fun trip to the Pet Store. I only took two goslings inside the store, only two so I could watch them more closely. Deron came too and walked Joy our Cocker Spaniel. You can see in the photo that someone came up with a dog and just let it walk right up to us....even though we were taking photos and had goslings in a stroller. Good thing it was a pretty nice dog. If you look at the second photo you can see both Joy and Dinah watching the dog walk up. In the third photo Deron said Dinah looked at him like "Dad, there's a dog over here."

Dinah visits PetSmart 2012-02-25 Joy and the geese at PetSmart 2012-02-25 Who is this Rude Dog? asks Dinah

Just Taken a Couple of Photos

February 27, 2012

Dinah 2012-02-27 Dinah Stepping Out 2012-02-27

I like these two photos. We were trying to get a shot for the "Growing in the Basket" series. I think the one of her Stepping Out is adorable!

February 28th Note: Sadly, a day after these photos were taken, this little gosling died. She was fine all morning, eating, drinking, playing, pooping, as goslings do, then she was just dead. I know it happens. But it really hurts when it happens at your own house. She will be sadly missed. We changed the remaining gosling's name (Not Dinah Soar) who was formally known as Dinah Mo, to Lizzy.

Another Trip To Rapid City

March 1, 2012

Gosling Hotel Stroll 2012-03-01 Gosling Hotel Stroll 2 2012-03-01 Gosling Hotel Stroll  3 2012-03-01 Gosling Hotel Bathtub 2012-03-01 Gosling Hotel Bathtub 2 2012-03-01 Lizzy Hotel Phone 2012-03-01

Dinah and Lizzy had such fun going to (they like the ride in the truck), shopping in, and staying over in Rapid City. What was their favorite part? Swimming and playing in the Motel Pool. They had such fun splashing and drinking and dunking in the pool. You know those pools, just the right size for a gosling and right in the rooms. (bathtubs)

Deron also told me to go ahead and buy a Pet Stroller. This is my Birthday Month. Deron makes the whole month fun. Like he said, it would take a couple of days time and then the materials to overhaul ours for a goose with mesh and a solid fabric lid that folds. And we are not sure the one we overhauled would work out after all we would need to put into it. Dinah and Lizzy are really good about riding in the stroller. I believe they like it.

The Stroller Came!

March 9, 2012

Dinah's New Stroller 2012-03-09 Dinah's New Stroller 2 2012-03-09 Dinah's New Stroller 3 2012-03-09

Deron bought this for me to use for Dinah to ride in. It was a Birthday Gift. This one we really got for a great deal. It is brand new but has a front wheel error/issue, it shakes (like a bad shopping cart), so they sold them cheap and had my color! Deron will be able to fix the wheel set and Dinah will have a smooth ride.

Dinah Visits The Presidents

March 6, 2012

Deron Dinah Pres James Monroe  2012-03-06 Deron Dinah Pres LB Jonhson Deron Dinah Pres LB Jonhson close up Dinah's first time on leash Rapid City 2012-03-06

Rapid City South Dakota offers kind of a President Statue Museum on it's down town streets. People come from all over to visit this and Rushmore. Some stores have set up statues of their own. People often take photos beside the statues. We took Dinah to down town and had a ball with her. These are Presidents James Monroe and LB Johnson. This was the first time Dinah walked on a leash and people everywhere were getting such a kick out of her. We hope to take her photo with a couple of the statues each time we take her to Rapid City.

Dinah In Her St. Pat's in Rapid City, SD

March 12, 2012

We took Dinah to Rapid City, SD and I wanted to get photos of her in her St. Pat's Day outfit. As you can see in the photos she walks very nicely on her leash and people get a kick out of seeing her. The President statue is John Quincy Adams.

Dinah Chatting in Rapid City, SD 2012-03-12 Dinah Crossing the big white lines in Rapid City, SD 2012-03-12 Marna, Dinah, Pres. John Quincey Adams    2012-03-12 Dinah St. Pat's Outfit 2012-03-12  Rapid City SD Dinah St. Pat's Sitting, Rapid City, SD 2012-03-12 Dinah Walking on the sidewalks of Rapid City SD   2012-03-12 Dinah Walking Away on the Sidewalks of Rapid City, SD 2012-03-12 Dinah Walking on leash 2012-03-12

Dinah Goes With Us To Get The Mail

March 13, 2012

Dinah Riding in the Truck 2012-03-13

This is Dinah riding down to the mailbox in the truck. She is quite at home riding with us and she loves to go places. Now and again she stands and looks out the windows.

Dinah's New Toys

New Goose Toys

Geese, especially indoor or HouseGeese, need toys. If a goose dose not have toys it will find your stuff to play with. Many items can be deadly to a goose.

Dinah Goes For Walks

March 16, 2012

We have a small house so to get Dinah out and about and excersize and to use up some of her energy we take her for walks up the driveway and back. We get a big kick out of how she puts out her wings and loves to walk fast probably for balance....dose she think she is flying?????

Dinah Walk 2012-03-16 Dinah Walk 2012-03-16  2 Dinah Walk 2012-03-16  3 Dinah Walk 2012-03-16  4

Dinah Visits Crazy Critters Pet Store in Rapid City

March 23, 2012

Dinah for a Walk 2012-03-23 Dinah Waling into the Pet Store 2012-03-23 Dinah Pet Store 2  2012-03-23 Dinah Pet Store 3  2012-03-23 Dinah Pet Store 4   2012-03-23 Dinah Pet Store 5   2012-03-23

Lately Dinah and I have been walking up to the top of the hill before we go to town. My back has been bothering me and that is the roughest area of the prairie so I walk not to get knocked around and hurt before we even leave, and I take Dinah with me so that she is a bit tired out before riding in the truck for an hour or so before we get to town.

We like to take Dinah to places where she can get out and walk around and meet people. Dinah walked in to Rapid City, SD's Crazy Critters Pet Store wearing her Busy Bee Diaper Holder. Deron went in first to make sure she would be welcome (and that there were no loose dogs) They not only welcomed her, they made a fuss over her, asked questions about her, and took her photo and asked if they could put it on the Facebook page. How KOOOOOL is that! Dinah did pretty well, but when I went to the other side of the room, with children between us and a dog over there, she kinda lost it. She also did not want to walk out the door (traffic noises and the dark door) but all and all, for a not yet seven week old gosling, I thought she did really well......and of course I thought she was quite cute!

Dinah Taking Another Walk (we do this often)

March 28, 2012

Walking Dinah 2012-03-28 Walking Dinah 2 2012-03-28

This is a walk we take often. Dinah needs to get out and stretch and so do I.

Dinah Bathing

March 31, 2012

Here is Dinah taking her bath on a really beautiful day in NW SD. Then later when we took a little walk, here she is showing off her "Pretty Wings".

Dinah Bathing 2012-03-31 Dinah Bathing 2 2012-03-31 Dinah Bathing 3 2012-03-31 Dinah ~ Pretty Wings Dinah Flexing  2012-03-31

Took A Few Easter Photos Today

April 2, 2012


Dinah on the Prowl 2012-04-02 Happy Easter Geese!  2012-04-02 Easter Geese 2 2012-04-02 Easter Geese 3 2012-04-02 Easter Concrete Goose Easter Outfit 2012

Added On To The Pink Crocheted Dress & Added A Hat

April 4, 2012

If you look above you will see that I made this little pink dress for Dinah when she was small. I added it on to it, and again today added a few rounds and made a matching hat. She is pretty good about wearing a hat.....most of the time.

Dinah in Pink 2012-04-04 Dinah in Pink Close up

Dinah Easter 2012-04-08

Easter Day

April 8, 2012

Getting Ready for Cinco De Mayo!

April 28, 2012

Dinah 2012-04-28 Dinah Cinco de Mayo 2012-04-28 Dinah Cinco de Mayo front 2012-04-28 Dinah Cinco de Mayo side 2012-04-28

We took these today getting ready for Cinco De Mayo. One is for the growth basket photos.

Dinah On Guard Duty

Saturday was a beautiful day here in NW SD. Dinah was outdoors with Deron as Deron was working on our truck. Company came by. It was some folks that are buying property out here, but live in ND. Raya is our Farm Dog. After they were here a while Deron and I were showing them around the place. Raya and Dinah of course walked with us. When Raya would go over to the lady so that the lady could pet Raya, and the lady would reach for Raya, Dinah would step forward and give a warning sound. Dinah kept an eye on Raya the whole time, as if she needed help, Dinah would back her up. I thought that was really KOOOOOOL.

Growth Recorded in an Easter Basket

Dinah Soar 2012-10

We took photos of Dinah every couple of days with the Easter Basket. As you can see she quickly became too big for the basket so I plan to take her photos by the basket. She is dressed for each Holiday, you will know by the outfits, this will give you an idea of the date the photos were taken.

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-- The My Pet Goose Team
Fri, 20 May 2011 12:20:34 -0400

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